
林中怪人 剧情简介

《林中怪人》是一部优秀的剧情 恐怖 恐怖片 类型影视作品,主要演员有:马克·杜普拉斯 Patrick Brice  《林中怪人》剧情简介:Looking for work, Aaron comes across a cryptic online ad “$1,000 for the day. Filming service. Discretion is appreciated.” Low on cash and full of naiveté, he decides to go for it. He drives to a cabin in a remote mountain town, where he meets Josef, his cinematic subject for the day. Josef is sincere and the project seems heartfelt, so Aaron begins to film. But as the day goes on, it becomes clear that Josef is not who he says, and his intentions are not at all pure.

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