
不屈不挠 剧情简介

《不屈不挠》是一部优秀的剧情 爱情 西部 冒险 剧情片 类型影视作品,主要演员有:克林特·伊斯特伍德 桑德拉·洛克 杰佛里·刘易斯  《不屈不挠》剧情简介:Bronco Billy McCoy is the proud owner of a small traveling Wild West show. But the business isn't doing too well for the past six months he hasn't paid his employees. At a gas station he picks up Antoinette, a stuck-up blonde from a rich family, who was left behind without a penny by her husband on their wedding night. Billy likes her looks and hires her as his assistant. She seems to bring them bad luck and the business gets even worse. In these hard times she loses her reluctance and starts to like her new way of life... and Bronco Billy. Written by Tom Zoerner

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