
我的婚内情 剧情简介

《我的婚内情》是一部优秀的动画 动画片 类型影视作品,主要演员有:未知 《我的婚内情》剧情简介:This animated feature film incorporates music, theater and sculpture techniques while following one woman's journey through her marriages, both imagined and real. Her experiences transform her from a fiery young girl craving love to a domestic abuse victim and eventually lead to her discovery of gender fluidity, self-acceptance, and finding a better place in society. The singing Mythology Sirens and her own Biology are characters that influence her, showing how our relationship roles are shaped by both the stereotypes of our cultures and the neuroscience of our own bodies. Written by Signe Baumane

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  • HD 10.0


  • 已完结 8.0


  • HD 2.0
  • HD 4.0


  • HD 1.0


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