瓢虫少女第二季 剧情简介

《瓢虫少女第二季》是一部优秀的科幻 动画 儿童 冒险 欧美动漫 类型影视作品,主要演员有:克里斯蒂娜·巴伦苏埃拉 Cristina Valenzuela Bryce Papenbrook Carrie Keranen Keith Silverstein 马克斯·迈特尔曼 Mela Lee Jessica Gee-George 格兰特·乔治  《瓢虫少女第二季》剧情简介:By daylight, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste are ordinary teenagers. But unbeknownst to their family and friends, the two of them carry a huge secret...using the powers of magical creatures called Kwami, they transform into the superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir! With a mission to protect the city of Paris from the evil Hawk Moth, the two of them must learn to cope with their new responsibilities, as well as ordinary troubles involving love, school, family, and friends. Most of all, they must learn to put their romantic feelings aside in order to perform their duty, unaware of each other's true identities.

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