伊敦传奇第一季 剧情简介

《伊敦传奇第一季》是一部优秀的动画 奇幻 欧美动漫 类型影视作品,主要演员有:伊坦森·艾斯卡米亚 米歇尔·珍娜 Nico Romero  《伊敦传奇第一季》剧情简介:Ashran the necromancer has taken power in Idhún and enabled the reign of terror of the flying serpents. The first battle for Idhún's freedom will take place on Earth, where Jack and Victoria fight to stop Kirtash, the assassin sent by Ashran to destroy the Idhudites who flew from his tyranny.-微博@摆渡字幕组 整理

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