芝加哥警署第二季 剧情简介

《芝加哥警署第二季》是一部优秀的剧情 动作 美国 欧美 类型影视作品,主要演员有:杰森·贝盖 伊恩·鲍汉 索菲亚·布什 帕特里克·约翰·弗吕格 Laroyce Hawkins 高圣远 伊莱亚斯·科泰斯 Elizabeth Reiners Jacqueline Saland 乔恩·塞达 Jason Singer 杰西·李·索弗 玛瑞娜·斯奎尔西亚提 Kevin Theis  《芝加哥警署第二季》剧情简介:

Sergeant Voight tries to find out who is behind the murder of Jin, and come up with the unbelievable discovery and learned that Sergeant Edwin Stillwell playing a double game with the intention of getting out on the surface of the big fish along with Voight. In the meantime, all members of the intelligence departments receive death threats from an unknown group called "Shadow"....

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