
美国大屠杀 剧情简介

《美国大屠杀》是一部优秀的喜剧 恐怖 类型影视作品,主要演员有:珍娜·奥尔特加 小豪尔赫·兰登伯格 阿伦·马尔多纳多 埃里克·迪恩 布莱特·卡伦 豪尔赫·迪亚斯 Bella Ortiz Yumarie Morales Catherine McCafferty Andrew Kaempfer 帕洛玛·布洛伊德 比务·比林格斯勒拉 Michael Batista Tiffany Brown Gigi Burgdorf  《美国大屠杀》剧情简介:

After a governor issues an executive order to arrest the children of undocumented immigrants, the newly detained youth are offered an opportunity to have their charges dropped by volunteering to provide care to the elderly.   Once inside the eldercare facility, the volunteers discover the governor and the facility’s supervisor have cooked up a horrifyingly depraved conspiracy tha...

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