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BBC: 第三次世界大战模拟9.0

类型:剧情 惊悚 剧情片  英国  2016 


导演:Gabriel Range 


BBC: 第三次世界大战模拟 剧情简介

《BBC: 第三次世界大战模拟》是一部优秀的剧情 惊悚 剧情片 类型影视作品,主要演员有:未知 《BBC: 第三次世界大战模拟》剧情简介:Following the crisis in Ukraine and Russia’s involvement in Syria, the world is closer to super power confrontation than at any time since the end of the Cold War. Now a committee of senior former British military and diplomatic figures comes together to war game a hypothetical ‘hot war’ in Eastern Europe, including the unthinkable - nuclear confrontation.  The War Room faces a scenario that has haunted western strategists since civil war broke out in Ukraine potential Russian military involvement in the Baltic States of Latvia and Estonia. Like Ukraine these countries have sizable Russian speaking minorities, but unlike Ukraine they are members of NATO, whose founding treaty states that an attack on one ally is an attack on all of them. Because of this, western analysts regularly war game a situation where Russia seeks to exploit ethnic tensions in the Baltic and test the strength of the NATO Alliance.

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