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类型:喜剧 喜剧片  法国  2017 

主演:Eric Metzger Quentin Margot 玛丽-安娜·夏泽尔 拉扎内·贾马尔 卡洛琳·安格鲁德 奥利维尔·博彻 Bérengère Krief Fabian Le Gouallec Paco Falgas Melha Bedia 巴蒂斯特·洛伯 Gabriel Legros Manuel Guillot Pierre Douglas Othmane Moumen 



巴黎双傻 剧情简介

《巴黎双傻》是一部优秀的喜剧 喜剧片 类型影视作品,主要演员有:Eric Metzger Quentin Margot 玛丽-安娜·夏泽尔 拉扎内·贾马尔 卡洛琳·安格鲁德 奥利维尔·博彻 Bérengère Krief Fabian Le Gouallec Paco Falgas Melha Bedia 巴蒂斯特·洛伯 Gabriel Legros Manuel Guillot Pierre Douglas Othmane Moumen  《巴黎双傻》剧情简介:Eric and Quentin, hosts in a children's show, are at the peak of their television careers. On a night that is a little too crazy, they drink too much and do a little rubbish. Unfortunately, someone films their exploits and broadcasts the video over the Internet. It's bad buzz, the dreaded phenomenon for a public figure. Their producer gives them 48 hours to restore their image, otherwise they will be fired. The more the duo tries to get by, the more they accumulate blunders, as during the funeral of Quentin's grandmother.

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