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类型:剧情 喜剧 喜剧片  英国  1944 

主演:罗伯特·牛顿 西莉亚·约翰逊 埃米·维内斯 约翰·米尔斯 凯·沃尔什 



天伦之乐 剧情简介

《天伦之乐》是一部优秀的剧情 喜剧 喜剧片 类型影视作品,主要演员有:罗伯特·牛顿 西莉亚·约翰逊 埃米·维内斯 约翰·米尔斯 凯·沃尔什  《天伦之乐》剧情简介:Noel Coward's attempt to show how the ordinary people lived between the wars. Just after WWI the Gibbons family moves to a nice house in the suburbs. An ordinary sort of life is led by the family through the years with average number of triumphs and disasters until the outbreak of WWII.

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