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类型:喜剧 家庭 奇幻 喜剧片  其它  2021 

主演:Kuura Rossi Martti Suosalo 米科·莱皮兰皮 明卡·库斯顿 桑波·萨科拉 汉努-佩卡·约克曼 安蒂·希海基宁 Chike Ohanwe 汉娜迈亚·尼康德 Joel Hirvonen Pirjo Heikkilä 塞西尔·奥尔布林 Fiona Iyare 



透明小英雄 剧情简介

《透明小英雄》是一部优秀的喜剧 家庭 奇幻 喜剧片 类型影视作品,主要演员有:Kuura Rossi Martti Suosalo 米科·莱皮兰皮 明卡·库斯顿 桑波·萨科拉 汉努-佩卡·约克曼 安蒂·希海基宁 Chike Ohanwe 汉娜迈亚·尼康德 Joel Hirvonen Pirjo Heikkilä 塞西尔·奥尔布林 Fiona Iyare  《透明小英雄》剧情简介:10-year-old Vinski feels like an outsider and invisible among his age-mates, and even with his single mother Krista. Vinski meets a mysterious pharmacist who gives him a bottle of magical powder. A powder, that allows you to become invisible for real and walk through walls. It is fantastic to have the powers of a super hero, but soon a group of crooks becomes interested in the secret of invisibility as well.

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