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类型:喜剧 爱情 喜剧片  美国  2014 

主演:莱西·沙伯特 Jonathan Patrick Moore Saidah Arrika Ekulona 



相亲大作战 剧情简介

《相亲大作战》是一部优秀的喜剧 爱情 喜剧片 类型影视作品,主要演员有:莱西·沙伯特 Jonathan Patrick Moore Saidah Arrika Ekulona  《相亲大作战》剧情简介:Gwyneth Hayden has it all. A top-notch career, killer wardrobe, dream apartment, and great friends - she thinks the only thing missing is a man. In a moment of inspired desperation, she fills out a profile on the dating website ChristianMingle.com hoping to find Mr. Right. However, Gwyneth's Christianity is a little rusty and her attempts at impressing her dream guy end in disaster when he calls her out on her faux faith. In an honest realization, she sees her superficial life for what it really is, and is driven to create a personal relationship with God.

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