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类型:惊悚 剧情 剧情片  美国  2022 

主演:玛德莱娜·佩切 梅丽莎·里奥 克里·梅德斯 克洛伊·贝利 Jordyn Aurora Aquino 格雷森·贝里 卡尔霍恩·科尼格 

导演:Sabrina Jaglom 


亡魂不散 剧情简介

《亡魂不散》是一部优秀的惊悚 剧情 剧情片 类型影视作品,主要演员有:玛德莱娜·佩切 梅丽莎·里奥 克里·梅德斯 克洛伊·贝利 Jordyn Aurora Aquino 格雷森·贝里 卡尔霍恩·科尼格  《亡魂不散》剧情简介:

Seemingly perfect high school senior, Olivia, struggles with grief from the recent loss of a friend. When she gets deferred from her dream college she begins to spiral and experiences a series of increasingly frightening panic attacks. In an attempt to regain some sense of control, she embarks on a social media-fueled rampage against those that stand in the way of her success b...

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